
CampEast - Breiðdalsvík

The campsite is behind Hotel Bláfell in the center of the village. There is hot and cold running water, toilet facilities and electricity. Good facilities in a great location and everything you need nearby.

Services near the camp site include a sports hall with a swimming pool, playground, outdoor recreation area, restaurants and cafés, car museum, research centre, local brewery, bank, post office, grocery store and petrol station.

Services available

  • Playground
  • Hot water
  • Swimming pool
  • Walking paths
  • Toilets
  • Cold water
  • Restaurant
  • Electricity

Description of facilities

The camp site has hot and cold running water, toilet facilities and electricity.

Opening time

June 1 - August 31


Rates 2024

Adults, 16 years and older 2.000 kr + Overnight stay tax
Elderly people: 1.750 kr. + Overnight stay tax
Free for children under 16 years old.
Electricity> 1000 kr per day