
Ferðaþjónustan Svínafelli

All guests on the camping site have access to the service building Skáli where you'll find bathrooms and showers along with cooking facilities where the guests use their own utensils for cooking and eating.

We do not take reservations in advance for camping spaces.

Electricity for camping cars or caravans is not available.

Services available

  • Dryer
  • Hot water
  • Internet
  • Sleeping bag accommodation
  • Shower
  • Toilets
  • Cold water
  • Washing machine
  • Cottages

Description of facilities

In the basement of the reception you'll find a washing machine and a dryer along with some clothing lines. You'll need 50 ISK coins and the washing machine needs 9x 50 ISK and the dryer needs 6x 50 ISK. In the reception you'll also find free wifi.

Opening time


Price 2024

2.300 ISK per person from the age 14 and older + lodging tax
Free for age 13 and younger.