

A nice camp site with a great view to the sea.

Services available

  • Open all year
  • Toilets
  • Washing machine
  • Dogs allowed
  • Electricity
  • Dryer
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Shower
  • Cooking facilities

Description of facilities

The camp site is close to the sea in the Tjörnes peninscula and the view to the sea is great. There are not many places in Iceland with as beautiful sunset as well as a lot of bird life in the area.

The facilities are good with toilets and showers as well as toilets for the disabled. There is also an indoor cooking and dining facilities.

The travelling distance to Ásbyrgi is about 35 km and 24 km to Húsavík. To lake Mývant is about 80 km and 100 km to Akureyri

Opening time

Open 1. March - 15. November


Prices 2024

Adults: 1.800 kr
After one night: 1.000 kr
Children, 15 years and younger: Free
Electricity: 900 kr
Tumble dryer: 600 kr
Washing machine: 600 kr